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About Trust

Trust [T] is the currency we use to make sure cleanup, reviews and documentation in a volunteer organization actually happen.

Without those three tasks being done each time a task is complete, our organization would stop working right away.

To earn Trust, get in the habit of helping wherever you see help is needed.

Spending Trust

Each time you submit a task for review, you must type /review. To do the command you must have 150 Trust. You can earn Trust, for example, by reviewing other people's tasks.

Earning Trust

Here is a list of ways you can earn Trust.

📚 Taking courses

  1. The certificates at the end of Courses can be posted in special channels that give you Trust. Make sure to check the end of a course for the "using your certificate section" to see if you will obtain Trust by doing that course.
  2. Right now only the onboarding courses give you Trust (Sept 2023).
  3. Learn where to start >>

✅ Doing Reviews

  1. Reviewing other people's tasks is a critical way of earning Trust.
  2. Learn how >>

💬 Being active in Discord

  1. Be in 🔊| 💻Work voice chat:
  2. AFK 2 Trust [T] per hour
  3. Speaking/Active 20 [T] per hour

2 Post your progress in #👀showcase or #👀showcase-private

  1. 20 [T] per image post
  2. Max 1 per 20 min

3. Sign up to help others in #💻❓code-questions

  1. Sign up to be a helper: 40 [T]
  2. 10 [T] per helpful post
  3. 1/20 min

4. Post in #👋introduce-yourself

  1. 20 [T]
  2. Once.

5. Using #daily-check-ins in

  1. 15 [T].

Automated rewards are in BETA! Things may go wrong.

📚 Reading documentation

  1. Read our Design docs
  1. 50 [T]

2. Updating docs

  1. 200 [T]

3. Doing exams

  1. Up to 170 [T]

4.Reading academy articles

  1. 160 [T]

5. Learning how to use our tools (Miro, Blender, Unity)

  1. Up to 170 [T].

6. Reading meeting notes

  1. 20 [T]

7. Making meeting notes

  1. 50 [T]

👮‍♀️ Doing essential tasks

  1. Reviewing other people’s tasks
  1. 25 [T] each

2. Giving interviews

1.200 [T] per interview session

3. Making tasks for your team

4. Cleaning up the Trello board, doing Apprenticeship interviews

  1. 170 [T] each

5.Doing scrum meetings

  1. 200 [T].

🎓 Doing Academy exams

    1.Up to 170 [T].

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